Sewer & Drainage Materials
Independent Pipe Products – Sewer & Drainage HDPE Fittings
Fabricated mitered fittings (ie: elbows, line tees, line crosses and wyes) are generally rated at 80% of the pressure rating of the SDR of material that is used for the fitting (ie: a mitered fitting produced using SDR-11 160 psi material would be pressure rated for a working pressure of 128 psi).
Fully pressure rated mitered fabricated fittings will be constructed using the next size heavier SDR material available (ie: fittings rated for a SDR-11 160 psi working pressure rating would be manufactured using SDR-9 material).
Other fabricated fittings such as branch saddle tees, branch saddle wyes, fabricated concentric reducers and waterstops are normally pressure rated to the SDR ordered. Fabricated fittings are stocked in most SDR’s listed. HDPE Fittings Submittal