
5 Factors Connected to Pipe Leaks

What factors contribute to pipe leaks

Pipe leaks can be an unnervingly common occurrence in both commercial and industrial environments, which is why it’s important to actively work on preventing them. It’s better to stave off an issue than to purchase Smith-Blair pipe repair clamps to address it. An essential aspect of preventing leaking and bursting pipes is understanding the different factors that affect the appearance of leaks and bursts and doing your part in controlling them as much as possible. 

What factors contribute to pipe leaks?

Water spouts, water performance issues, and utility bill spikes all point to a hidden problem in your pipes. There’s a high chance of a leak due to pipe degradation that can occur due to a variety of factors. Learning more about these factors will help you prevent the appearance of leaks and stave off potentially expensive repairs: 


Corrosion is the single biggest contributing factor to pipe leaks and bursts. It’s very common when the pipes are transporting hard water rich in minerals, as this water negatively affects the pipes and scrapes away the interior a lot faster than soft water. And if the pipes are fitted improperly, the metal opposing charges are susceptible to more wear. Untreated pipe corrosion leads to premature bursts and leaks, as well as ultimately to the necessity to replace them. 

Environmental factors

There are numerous environmental factors that can contribute to faster pipe degradation that leads to leaks. These factors include earthquakes, tremors, sudden changes in underground environment and characteristics, temperature fluctuations, and others. All these factors can cause significant structural damage, especially if your pipes are already corroded. The pipes that undergo the most damage due to these conditions are: 

  • Plastic pipes
  • Pipe laterals and joints
  • Clay pipes
  • Cement pipes
  • Copper pipes

Improper installation

Proper pipe installation is an essential part of ensuring their longevity. On the other hand, incorrect installation leads to more wear and tear and faster deterioration of your pipes. Some of the most common failures during pipe installation include improper debris removal, poor pipe placement, and short insertion. 

Where can I purchase high-quality Smith-Blair pipe repair clampsWater pressure

If the water pressure in the pipes is too high, the excessive force will certainly prove harmful to the integrity of your pipes, as pipes can only withstand a certain amount of pressure. However, this is rarely the sole cause of a leak and water pressure only becomes a real issue when coupled with other common factors. 

Water turbulence

Turbulent water flow consists of chaotic alterations of pressure and velocity, creating unsuitable conditions. This type of flow is in opposition to laminar flow, characterized by parallel flow without any  disruptions. Similarly to high water pressure, water turbulence becomes a problem when combined with other factors, such as improper installation or corrosion. 

Where can I purchase high-quality Smith-Blair pipe repair clamps?

There are numerous factors that can significantly contribute to your critical pipes developing a severe leak. It’s at these moments that you and your employees need to be familiar with the most effective methods for repairing leaks, especially all the details concerning pipe repair clamps. First, see how you can use pipe repair clamps to deal with your leak before looking into the different types of pipe repair clamps you can utilize for your situation. 

From there make sure you’re purchasing the highest quality pipe repair clamps that will provide a long-term solution to your leak. Blair Supply is here to provide you with advanced Smith-Blair repair clamps that suit a variety of different requirements. We offer nationwide distribution from our warehouses in Rochester, Avoca, and Watertown. All you have to do is tell us what type of clamp you need and we’ll handle everything else. Give us a call today!

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